UPcoming events
District calendar
Past events
Dickson County Good Morning Rotary Club
CTE Hosted the Dickson County Good Morning Rotary Club at DCHS. We were able to show off our equipment purchased with the Give 2.0 Grant for Health science. We also got to show them our impressive FFA/ Agriculture Barn.
Leadership Dickson County CWHS Tour
Leadership Dickson County is a Dickson County Chamber program to develop a diverse network of leaders throughout the county with a broad understanding of the areas of community needs and issues.
The Community Partner Dinner focuses on Creek Wood's Carpentry and Welding CTE Program. Topics covered were work-based learning, apprenticeships, field trips, interviews, and job applications. There were guest speakers and on-site demonstrations. Our Industry Partners Dinner is for teachers, students, and partners who are in or help with our Carpentry and Welding program.
8th Grade CTE Tours
8th grade students from Burns Middle School, Charlotte Middle School, Dickson Middle School, and William James Middle School have the opportunity to tour both Creek Wood and Dickson County High School before transferring to the 9th grade to see what the CTE Programs have to offer.
Dickson County EXPO 2022 at CWHS
After 2 years of Covid, we were finally able to bring our infamous Expo back! With around 35 companies/ attendees who participated, our students got to learn information about various local and regional industry career options. CWHS A/V team and DCHS Digital Arts were able to get hands-on experience during our Expo. CWHS A/V interviewed our vendors. DCHS Digital Arts came to CWHS for the morning and took photos. We also got to welcome Houston County's JTG to this event.
2019 DCHS Made in Dickson Expo
Over 20 local businesses and industries set up booths at DCHS for a career expo for students throughout the school day. Pictured above are Dickson County High School's 2019 CTE Student Ambassadors. These Ambassadors were hand-chosen by CTE Staff at Dickson County High School to represent the Programs of Study. They helped to welcome, check in vendors, set up booths, and provide lunch. This expo allowed our students to meet with businesses and industries in our community to explore the career options available. At most booths students were given job applications and were able to create professional relationships with employers.